“And He said to me, It is done.”

I woke up at 4am on 7/11. When I couldn’t fall back asleep, I looked at my phone and saw I had just received an email from the pastor in South Africa, sending me the last document I needed for my visa. I booked my flight for DC for first thing the following morning.

Up at 4am again, I began sending out all my prayer requests. As I was riding in an Uber on the way to the embassy, a friend sent me the scripture: “Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.” Isaiah 43:18-19

I was shocked because this is the scripture that was underlined in the South Africa Bybel I found while serving at Imago Dei Church, in Hennenman on my mission trip on 3/21.

As I was praying in the Uber I heard, “You’re fighting a battle I’ve already won.”

The South African pastor I met (from my last post) asked if he could pray with me before I entered the embassy. I called him and after we prayed together, I walked in and was seen by the same interviewer, David.

I could feel everyone’s prayers in that room and within minutes.. I was approved!

‘Praise God! He is something else.. always on time, we just need to be patient.

My visa should be arriving in the mail within the month, then I will buy my one-way ticket to Africa!

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