Visa Update

I was reading in Philippians this morning and was reflecting on how Jesus left his comfortable, pain-free, beautiful home in heaven to come here to save us. Throughout the New Testament we are asked to follow in Jesus’ footsteps and live our lives after His example.

It made me think of leaving the US. Even though life here isn’t necessarily pain-free, in comparison to a third world country, one could say the US is like heaven.

For me, in this chapter of my life, that looks like me leaving here and going to Africa. Maybe for you, it’s leaving your comfortable neighborhood for the weekend and volunteering time downtown. I think it can look different to everyone, but we are all called to walk in the way Jesus did and to love people.

I drove to Washington DC at the beginning of this week, full of hope and excitement to take this big step towards my mission, by applying for my visa. It did not go as I had hoped. Before I had the chance to express my intentions, I was denied. As the consulate read over my documents, I wept and prayed for God to soften his heart.

After an emotionally difficult conversation, full of misunderstandings, he was willing to reconsider. He gave me a list of additional documents I needed before I return to try again.

As I exited the South African embassy, I couldn’t even make it out the door without breaking down in defeat and discouragement. I sat on the brick wall outside the embassy and wept. A South African minister was pacing in front of me, providing encouragement on the phone to someone. His words were exactly what I needed to hear in that moment. I cried as I listened to him for over a half hour. When his phone call ended, he looked over at me crying and I couldn’t help myself but to run over to him and hug him.

This is very out of character for me to hug a stranger but I felt like God had sent an angel to encourage me in my time of distress. He spoke words of encouragement over me and prayed with me. I was able to leave and head home with peace and reassurance that things were going to be okay.

I am in the process of collecting the necessary documents, then I will make a second drive to DC and try again. I hope to do this within the next week.

I couldn’t help but feel like Moses pleading with Pharaoh. Hopefully the consulate’s heart isn’t hardened as many times, but if it is, I won’t give up either.

“For He has not despised nor abhorred the affliction of the afflicted; Nor has He hidden His face from Him; But when He cried to Him, He heard.”
Psalms 22:24 NKJV

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