Here We are! Send US!

When I woke up, turning off my alarm this morning, the background of my phone had the verse of the day:

“He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone.”
Mark 16:15

Lord! How sweet and intentional is He? To lead me to read the last chapter of Mark. The great commission! The last thing He spoke to them before ascending to heaven.

“And they went out and preached everywhere, while the Lord was working with them and confirming the word by the signs that followed.”
Mark 16:20

I love that it says that the Lord was working WITH them. I am so honored that the Lord has trusted us to go represent Him. Not only is He working with us but He promises to provide confirmations by signs that follow. I feel like that’s exactly what the verse of the day today was- Him confirming this mission trip.

The Lord made me aware last fall that He never meant for me to go alone. Reminding me that when He sent His disciples out, they went together. I wasn’t planning on going on this mission trip with anyone, but the Lord sent me these two men last minute to join me. There is definitely a level of comfort traveling with them and I am beyond grateful for this blessing.

Craig went on the first mission trip to South Africa with the church group I went with last March. This is Gabriel’s first mission trip, he had been praying about missions for the past 7 months prior to meeting me.

We are about to board our 2nd flight. Leaving from Atlanta and arriving in Johannesburg, a 15 hour flight! Please pray for our safety, our flight, sleep on the plane and for the Lord to prepare our hearts for the good works He has set before us. I will be updating the blog frequently, stay tuned!

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