Worthy of praise

Our minds are so powerful. What we  meditate on, consumes us. Our thoughts, our attitudes, how we interact with one another and perceive others.

We have a choice what we focus our mind on. When I repeat my complaints in my head, focus on troublesome circumstances, I notice my irritability increase and my attitude start to turn.

It scares me how quickly this negativity takes over. In Philippians 4, Paul encourages us to set our mind on things above. Things worthy of praise.

What we watch, what we listen to, what we consume, who we surround ourselves with and how we spend our time, all contribute to our thought life.

Paul also encourages us that when we practice the things we have learned and received from the Word, that God’s peace will be with us and that He will supply every need of ours according to His riches.

I was ugly in my thoughts last night. I drove to church praying that

the Lord would renew my mind. I walked into worship, threw my hands up, closed my eyes, and by the time the third song was over my heart had softened and my gaze was back on my Creator. We discussed and focused on gratitude. The Lord is so sweet. One of the women said, “I like to breath in and say the Lord is my Shepherd and breath out saying I shall not want.” I did this three times to myself and I felt like my eyes wanted to create tears of relief. Back to focusing on being content. Funny, returning to Philippians 4, Paul says, “I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content.”

I can choose to fill my ears and my mouth with worship. I can focus my attention to reading and reciting the Word. Fill my mind and heart with what is good. What is pure. Then from there, springs fruitfulness.

As I was reciting Psalm 37:4, I understood it in a completely different way. It’s so exciting how the Holy Spirit speaks to us through the Word. This is the 3rd perspective shift I have experienced from this same verse over the past 4 years.

“Take delight in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart.”

Psalm 37:4

Four years ago, I believed if I focused on the Lord, He would give me the things I wanted, my fleshly desires. Then years later, the way I understood it was, if I focused on the Lord, He would align my desires with His desires, so we would want the same things. The way I heard it this time was that, if I truly find fulfillment in God then my desire for temporary things of this world (which never satisfy) will fall away, what will replace them is His given desires. As in, He is going to give me desires, not that my desires are going to be given to me. I had to sit with this.

The reason we always want more, that we aren’t content, never satisfied, is because we are putting our hope in external things. Taking delight in wealth, in possessions, social status, in our achievements, and so forth. This is what King Solomon meant when he stated that everything is meaningless, in Ecclesiastes. We will never be deeply fulfilled with what the world has to offer. If we place our hope in the Lord He will meet all our needs and more.

“And the world is passing away along with its desires, but whoever

 does the will of God abides forever.”

1 John 2:17

It was a long time coming, but this is the video I wanted to share with you! I was sent it this morning. Thanks to Alwyn for his videographer skills!  During my last trip to South Africa I was invited on a hike. We drove about 4 hours away to find this beautiful place. I am so in awe of the Lord. Among the oppression, violence and sufferings of this country, He created a beautiful display of His creation. It makes me think of Psalm 104.

“Bless the Lord, O my soul!

O Lord my God, you are very great!

You are clothed with splendor and majesty,

covering Yourself with light as with a garment,

    *stretching out the heavens like a tent*…

You covered it with the deep as with a garment;

    the waters stood above the mountains…

The mountains rose, the valleys sank down

    to the place that you appointed for them…

From Your lofty abode You water the mountains;

    the earth is satisfied with the fruit of Your work…

May the glory of the Lord endure forever;

    may the Lord rejoice in His works,

who looks on the earth and it trembles,

    who touches the mountains and they smoke!

I will sing to the Lord as long as I live;

    I will sing praise to my God while I have being.

May my meditation be pleasing to Him,

    for I rejoice in the Lord.”

September 24-27th is the youth camp through Imago Dei Church in South Africa. I plan on arriving a few days prior to help with preparation and then serve at the camp. If anyone is interested in joining me for a mission trip experience, please message me, I would love to take people with me!

I also will be taking donations with me for the various projects the non-profit is supporting: solar panels, clean water access, transportation, church planting and ministry outreach. Any amount helps! For example $30 US is all it takes to feed lunch to over 50 kids.

5 Responses

  1. Another great blog post! Such a hard lesson to learn. I’m still working on “Godliness with contentment is great gain”. Amazing scenic video! I’d like to visit there… someday.

  2. Hi Kristen! What a wonderful …and true post!!! We are, indeed very complex and awesome beings! (..fearfully and wonderfully made…Ps.139:14 – our Psalm we are memorizing). I can so relate to your comment about focusing on complaints/circumstances and how quickly negativity takes over and pushes us down. Thank you for being honest in sharing your experience with these negative thoughts! We all have these experiences. Focusing on the wonder,beauty and goodness of God brings us up! Memorizing and filling our minds with God’s Word (like memorizing Ps.139, etc….) combats these negative thoughts and realigns us with The Spirit…the result is His fruit manifested in our lives-love, joy,peace,patience,kindness,goodness,faithfulness,gentleness,self-control (Gal.5:22-23). Your insight on Ps.37 is right on target and accurate, I believe. It is not about getting more worldly “stuff”, but in truly abiding in Him, we become more Christ-like, and would naturally desire what He desires. Finally, the video is breathtaking! Wow, the splendor, wonder and beauty of God’s creation is ….breathtaking!!! Thank you, as always, for your posts! They are honest, true, and so inspiring to me. Praying always for you and glad The Lord has caused our paths to cross!! Keep up the excellent work!!!

  3. You’re quite welcome! I noticed with Ps. 139, the main thoughts are grouped into 6 verses each, so I’ve been working with 6 at a time. Because it’s a song, it seems natural that it would be grouped into sections.

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