“One thing is needed”.

People are hurting. They need a friend. To listen. To pray. To be with them. The Lord put on my heart that I don’t have to do extravagant things, but to just love His people. See them in their pain.

I’m thinking of people back home who are hurting, who just want to be seen, loved and comforted. The same is true for my SA friends, and for myself.

What if we just slowed down long enough to love one another? Thank one another for the gift of each other’s presence in our lives?

I’m so grateful the Lord met me last night. I couldn’t fall asleep. With the loadshedding all night, I didn’t have a fan and the humid heat and mosquitos were creating too much discomfort- physically and mentally. I just lied awake and started to cry. I was worried that I wouldn’t be much value to the South Africans while I’m here. Since I don’t have a plan of how to help them or what to do, I was feeling kind of worthless. I heard God whisper, “My child” and hearing the words He spoke over Martha- that I’m troubled and worried about many things. But only one thing is needed- to sit at His feet. Spending time at His feet this morning gave me a new perspective.

“Return to your rest, my soul, for the Lord has been good to you.” Psalm 116:7

I had a pile of cards from people back home, for my originally planned year away. I haven’t read them and felt guilty, due to my plan not unfolding like I thought it would. I counted the cards and I had exactly the number of cards for the number of days I will be gone. I decided to bring them with me and read one card per day. The one I happened to read this morning was from a client of mine. In it she wrote, “I’m so thankful for all of the time you listened to me and made me feel incredibly heard, seen and held.”

I went to the outdoor shower and my friend was out there brushing her teeth. She asked me how I slept, I told her I hardly slept. She said, “Me either! Because I am so full of excitement that you are here with me!” That just warmed my heart. My reason wasn’t nearly as sweet as hers. She apologized for the “primitive” shower. I told her I was just thankful to wash the sweat off my body and be clean. In that moment of humility, I felt joy.

As the women’s event at the church this morning, the ladies were remembering me from March, as “the American who memorizes scripture.” Hey! That’s not a bad thing to be remembered for! I’ll take it! They were making a craft and asked me to write scriptures for them on the coasters they were making. After lunch they asked if I would pray the Armor of God over them. Good thing I had a lot of practice memorizing that one!

I went to the kitchen after lunch to wash dishes and there was a South African at the sink. She told me she doesn’t like sitting around and preferred to be busy, wanting to serve. I laughed. I was like.. “Ya, I totally know what you mean”. We washed dishes together and she shared her story of heart break and job loss. God is so good.

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