First day in Hennenman

On the 3 hour drive from Johannesburg to Hennenman this morning I passed Diepsloot. In Afrikaans it means “deep ditch”. It’s a densely populated township that is made up of fully government-subsidised housing. Many of the South Africans there live in 3×2 metre shacks, assembled from scrap metal, wood, plastic and cardboard.

I stopped by the church, Imago Dei, to give the pastor a portion of the money I raised, as a donation to the church. Thank you to everyone who contributed to the donation, he was very surprised and grateful!

Whlie I was there, women were setting up for a ladies event for tomorrow. They needed flowers for the table so I offered to go pick flowers for them. I told the pastor to put me to work while I am here. Picking flowers is a fun first!

Aside from recovering from jet-lag, it’s been a lovely day visiting with some of the South Africans that were a part of our mission trip experience in March. It’s fun to be back in the same bedroom and guest house I was in. They are in stage 6 of load shedding, which means 6-12 hours without electricity starting today.

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