Liberated slave

I’ve been reflecting on times when I have given up in the past. I will be upset with myself for not trying hard enough. For not being strong enough. For not making wise decisions or having self-control. While I was lifting weights, struggling to push myself, I was thinking how much more I can do […]

Worthy of praise

Our minds are so powerful. What we  meditate on, consumes us. Our thoughts, our attitudes, how we interact with one another and perceive others. We have a choice what we focus our mind on. When I repeat my complaints in my head, focus on troublesome circumstances, I notice my irritability increase and my attitude start […]

Your outstretched arm

“It is You who have made the heavens and the earth by Your great power and Your outstretched arm. Nothing is too hard for you.” Jeremiah 32:17 My heart finds peace when I hear the words “outstretched arm”. It makes me think of Isaiah 40:22, “It is He who sits above the circle of the […]

First Fundraiser!

I was siting in the sauna, singing worship music, thinking about what song I would sing karaoke to. I know this sounds random, but karaoke was suggested as a possible option for after Mother’s Day lunch tomorrow with my siblings. My mind wandered to how I was telling a friend recently that I have a […]

Enter into the joy of your Lord.

We make choices to make our lives here more enjoyable and comfortable, but our life here is so temporary. I think it is easier to focus on life here because we have some certainty of what it looks like. Most of us know we will work in a particular career, retire, have relationships, family, cars, […]

The Foundation

This is a bookmark one of the South Africans I met for counseling made for me. They are so thoughtful and creative with their gifts! She added the tea bags at the bottom because I introduced her to a London Fog and she is hooked now! She told me I have been a light, which […]

A consuming fire

Just like the men walking on the road to Emmaus, we don’t know when Jesus will return. They assumed He wasn’t who He said He was because they questioned His Messianic authority. They spoke about Jesus, the wonderful things He did but didn’t recognize the Lord when He was in their midst. When they described […]

Here’s my heart, Lord.

“Here’s my heart, Lord. Here’s my heart, Lord. Speak what is true…I am Yours.” These lyrics have played in my mind for the past 3 mornings. It has been my prayer. I was invited to go on a hike. It was a 3 hour drive, one way, but when I heard “mountains” I answered “Yes!!” […]

Leaves and fruit.

The parable of the fig tree used to confuse me. I didn’t understand why Jesus would be so critical of a tree not producing fruit when it wasn’t the season for it to produce fruit. One of the stations of the cross last week was on this parable. We had a gathering in Hermi’s back […]

Godliness with contentment

During Holy week, Imago Dei set up stations of the cross, available in the evenings to walk through. I was given the opportunity to be responsible for the station that represented Jesus washing His disciples’ feet. “If I then, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet. […]

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