“A time to laugh”

During my time here I have been invited to do fun things and have declined the offers. The two men with me would go and I would stay back. I felt like I shouldn’t go because I needed to be available to the South Africans, because that’s why I am here. Gabriel’s last day here, […]

Lizel’s Journey

Lizel is my friend in South Africa that I have been staying with for the past 2 weeks. She was diagnosed with breast cancer last year. She had her last chemotherapy appointment when we arrived and her surgery is scheduled for the day after we leave. I am so grateful for getting to spend these […]

Serve week day 5

Since it was a public holiday, businesses were closed. The church arranged for their last serve day to be a maintenance day at the church. They did exterior and interior painting, cleaning and filling the potholes on the street leading to the church. We spent our day helping with the potholes!   The South African […]

Serve week day 4

In the morning we met at the church to make sandwiches. Then we went to a neighborhood that is within minutes from the church to serve the children there lunch. The pastor’s wife gave a short message, we played soccer with them and blew bubbles. The care packages we put together the other day were […]

Serve week day 3

We visited two more old age homes in the community. Both of these facilities had several residents that were bedridden. The pastor provided a short sermon, we served them pudding and we played bingo. We paired off, an American with a South African, to pray with these residents and bring them pudding to their room. […]

Serve week day 2

Today we went to an old age home, similar to an independent living or assisted living facility. We visited with the residents, prayed with them, played bingo and the pastor gave a brief sermon. We did this last year in March, so it was great to see many of the same people and that they […]

Serve Week Day 1

Yesterday we went to a festival in Hennenman, where local vendors sell crafts and food. There was live music and dancing. We helped the church’s cafe set up under their tent. It was great for them to have a presence at the festival. We were able to experience their culture, visit with the locals and […]

Imago Dei Cafe

The water has been unavailable sporadically due to the shortage in the area. One of the times it occurred was when I was getting ready to shower. I ended up filling the sink with bottled water and giving myself a sponge bath. I enjoyed the humbling experience and didn’t mind having to do this, but […]

God’s handiwork

A couple approached me wanting to sponsor a family in South Africa. They asked if I had a family in mind and Lydia’s family is immediately who I thought of. I asked my friend Hermi, where Lydia works, to get pictures and voice messages from Lydia and each one of her kids to share about […]

Here We are! Send US!

When I woke up, turning off my alarm this morning, the background of my phone had the verse of the day: “He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone.” Mark 16:15 Lord! How sweet and intentional is He? To lead me to read the last chapter of […]

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