I am delighted in.

Lizel was driving us into town and I noticed her handmade earrings. I commented on how unique they were. She took them off and showed me how they actually fit inside one another like a puzzle piece. She said the woman who made it, had them attached to a card that had Zephaniah 3:17 written […]

It is well.

Lizel is a thirty-five year old South African that I met in Hennenman during my first mission trip here in March. She is single, without children and her parents don’t live in town. She lives alone and my original plan included living with her for a year. She was diagnosed with breast cancer after my […]

I want to be like a tree.

Something that has stood out to me this week is that when people get together there’s a lot of gossiping. I think it’s because they aren’t comfortable having deeper, more intimate conversations. It’s a way of relating and making them feel close or connected, but in a very unhealthy way. I know America isn’t any […]

Unexpected Surprises

It was so wonderful to be back in Imago Dei church for a service and to see everyone! The congregation has grown a lot since March, they fill the whole sanctuary! They appear to be outgrowing their church building. Back in March, they had shared with us that there was a bigger building in the […]

“One thing is needed”.

People are hurting. They need a friend. To listen. To pray. To be with them. The Lord put on my heart that I don’t have to do extravagant things, but to just love His people. See them in their pain. I’m thinking of people back home who are hurting, who just want to be seen, […]

First day in Hennenman

On the 3 hour drive from Johannesburg to Hennenman this morning I passed Diepsloot. In Afrikaans it means “deep ditch”. It’s a densely populated township that is made up of fully government-subsidised housing. Many of the South Africans there live in 3×2 metre shacks, assembled from scrap metal, wood, plastic and cardboard. I stopped by […]

I made it to South Africa!!

No delays or cancellations! I am staying with one of the women I met when I was here in March. She picked me up from the Johannesburg airport. As we drove from the airport, I quickly was reminded of things we have to be grateful for, that we take for granted. She told sme that, […]

The Light Shines

I was lying on the church floor last night, reciting my memorized scriptures with a couple of friends. The verse that triggered an emotional response in me was John 1:5, which surprised me because it’s so short and simple, one I often hurry past. It is also one of the first verses I memorized because […]

Salty. Fruity. Bright.

In ten days I will be back in Africa. I am so ready. As I sit here with the Lord, I hear Him whisper “spacious place.” He led me to Job 36:16, revealing that He is wooing me from the jaws of distress to a spacious place, free from restriction, to the comfort of His […]

Feed my sheep

I asked the South Africans if there was anything that they need, that I could purchase for them here and bring with me. It has brought me to tears when I reflect on the answer I was given. Warm socks. Their winters get down to around 40°, but they don’t have heat in their homes […]

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