
Kristen Chambers

Liberated slave

I’ve been reflecting on times when I have given up in the past. I will be upset with myself for not trying hard enough. For

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Kristen Chambers

Worthy of praise

Our minds are so powerful. What we  meditate on, consumes us. Our thoughts, our attitudes, how we interact with one another and perceive others. We

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Kristen Chambers

Your outstretched arm

“It is You who have made the heavens and the earth by Your great power and Your outstretched arm. Nothing is too hard for you.”

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First Fundraiser!

I was siting in the sauna, singing worship music, thinking about what song I would sing karaoke to. I know this sounds random, but karaoke

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Kristen Chambers

The Foundation

This is a bookmark one of the South Africans I met for counseling made for me. They are so thoughtful and creative with their gifts!

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Kristen Chambers

A consuming fire

Just like the men walking on the road to Emmaus, we don’t know when Jesus will return. They assumed He wasn’t who He said He

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Kristen Chambers

Here’s my heart, Lord.

“Here’s my heart, Lord. Here’s my heart, Lord. Speak what is true…I am Yours.” These lyrics have played in my mind for the past 3

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Kristen Chambers

Leaves and fruit.

The parable of the fig tree used to confuse me. I didn’t understand why Jesus would be so critical of a tree not producing fruit

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