First Fundraiser!

I was siting in the sauna, singing worship music, thinking about what song I would sing karaoke to. I know this sounds random, but karaoke was suggested as a possible option for after Mother’s Day lunch tomorrow with my siblings. My mind wandered to how I was telling a friend recently that I have a lot of Disney songs memorized from childhood and then the Little Mermaid came to mind. I started singing “Part of Your World” and I laughed to myself as I thought about the lyrics coming out of my mouth.

I couldn’t help but see the similarities between myself from years ago, when I was asleep, to Ariel. I wanted more too. I had a lot of worldly pleasures and conveniences but something was missing.

“Look at this stuff! Isn’t it neat? Wouldn’t you think my collection’s complete? Wouldn’t you think I’m the girl, the girl who has everything?” My first thought was she (and I) were not content, thinking about Philippians 4:11, but then as I continued to sing, about what “more” she wanted, I got to the part that says, “up where they walk, up where they run, up where they stay all day in the sun… wandering free, wish I could be, part of their world.” I was like oh my gosh, she wants freedom. She wants to be in the light. I know you guys might think I’m stretching it here, but hey, the Lord can use anything! I’m like this girl needs Jesus! I needed Jesus. I was hungry for freedom too. I just didn’t know or understand, freedom from what. I just knew something was missing in my life.

You know what it’s like to see people smiling, laughing, seeming so light and free, when you are down and out. Wondering what they have that you don’t. Just like Ariel, seeing this “other world” where people are, as she says, “jumping, dancing, running, wandering free”, there’s so many people living this way. Feeling trapped, depressed, unsatisfied and empty. Looking to the world for answers, thinking maybe if they get in the “right” relationship, get a new job, start a different career, buy more stuff, make more money– if they had “more”, then, maybe then, they would finally be happy, be satisfied, be content.

That was me and I know it was or is many of you. Ariel was curious. She said, “bright young women, sick of swimming, ready to stand. And ready to know what the people know. Ask ’em questions and get some answers.” It made me think of when I felt that way. I was sick of swimming in circles, trying it my way and getting nowhere. I was curious what I was missing too. I started going to church, asking questions, surrounding myself with women who had what I wanted. I was ready to know what they knew.

When Ariel said, “What’s a fire, and why does it… what’s the word… burn?” It made me think of the fire that burns inside of me when I feel the closeness to the Lord, when my eyes are open and my heart is full. That burning took my mind to the walk to Emmaus, when the men recognized Jesus was in their presence.

“They asked each other, “Were not our hearts burning within us while He talked with us on the road and opened the Scriptures to us?”
Luke 24:32

I’ve been so grateful this week that I am not lost. That I’m not asleep. That I know and have a relationship with the Lord. I can’t imagine ever returning to a life without Him.

You realize Ariel was in a cavern? A cavern is a cave and is compared to “a vast, dark space.” She had a bunch of treasures in her dark, isolated cave and it makes my heart hurt for all the people living this way. I want them to be “a part of our world” too.

At least she’s looking up towards the light.


In South Africa and non-profit news…

I am so grateful that my first fundraising opportunity was presented to me!
Check it out! Pass it along! Share it! Consider it!
The goal is to raise money for many projects in Hennenman… solar panels, generators, clean water supplies, transportation, church planting and more! My current plan is to return to South Africa in September. More on that when the Lord brings me clarity.

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