God’s handiwork

A couple approached me wanting to sponsor a family in South Africa. They asked if I had a family in mind and Lydia’s family is immediately who I thought of. I asked my friend Hermi, where Lydia works, to get pictures and voice messages from Lydia and each one of her kids to share about themselves, their wants and needs.

They each shared that their biggest need was clothes and shoes. The son asked for a soccer ball and the daughter a calculator. They shared about their faith, shared scriptures and prayers for this couple who offered the support. Listening to the voice messages warmed my heart. Even though Lydia can’t speak English, her kids learn English in school.

This couple went above and beyond to fill my 2nd suitcase with donations for this family as well as a monthly sponsorship for the year. They sent a letter with pictures of their family. I was able to sit with Lydia, with Hermi’s help to translate, yesterday to read her the letter and give her the donations from this couple.

When I first reached out to Hermi, she reaponded in tears, sharing that Lydia was struggling with her bills and that Hermi had spent the prior 24 hours fasting and praying for God to bless and provide for Lydia and her family.

When Hermi shared the answered prayers to Lydia it was Lydia’s birthday! How amazing is God?! I am so in awe of God’s intentionality and love. How He chooses to love others through us, we just have to make ourselves available to Him and to be willing. Thank you Nick and Alicia for being God’s handiwork and for being obedient to His tugging on your hearts. You have made a difference.

“For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.”
Ephesians 2:10

The amount of gratitude Lydia had was overwhelming to witness. She cried tears of joy, fell to her knees in prayer thanking God. I don’t think I can capture with words how special this moment was. Just know that the Holy Spirit filled the room and there wasn’t a dry eye in sight. Praise God!

Lydia’s daughter wrote a thank you letter for their family for me to bring home, but I wanted to share it.

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