Here’s my heart, Lord.

“Here’s my heart, Lord. Here’s my heart, Lord. Speak what is true…I am Yours.”
These lyrics have played in my mind for the past 3 mornings. It has been my prayer.

I was invited to go on a hike. It was a 3 hour drive, one way, but when I heard “mountains” I answered “Yes!!” without hesitation. I have been surrounded by corn fields and safari, I had no idea I could travel a few hours and see mountains. Boy, was I surprised. It took 7 hours to hike 12 km. This was a challenging hike! I have been missing the mountains and was so blessed by this experience. God is so sweet.

When we arrived to the top of the mountain and hiked across the flat surface, we encountered a pack of baboons, which made me nervous. They are big! Sitting on the edge of this mountain, looking down at the landscape was breathtaking. It reminded me of hikes in New Zealand. I didn’t think I would ever see anything as beautiful again. I’m glad I was wrong.

It was nice to get away for the day and marvel at the Lord’s creation. He has been surprising me time and time again with the joys and gems of this place. From the church family, the fresh unprocessed foods, the wildlife and nature, to the simplicity, slower pace and strong faith of the South Africans. I would be lying if I said I haven’t considered staying here. When I give it serious consideration, fears creep in.

On our drive back to Hennenman, I was sharing testimonies of how God has revealed Himself in small and big ways over the past few years in my life. I was sharing dreams, visions, insights gained. As I did this, I was reminded of a vision I had while I was running last summer. My body wrapped in linen, lying on an altar. I looked my current age. It frightened me at the time, thinking it represented death. I was reciting Romans 12:1 to the South Africans in the car, when this image popped back into my mind. It was an image of being a living sacrifice. Of course. I love the symbolism.

I don’t know what the Lord’s plans are for me. I know they are good. I just want to seek Him first and remain in a posture of surrender.

“…doing the will of God from the heart, rendering service with a good will, as to the Lord and not to man, knowing that whatever good anyone does, this he will receive back from the Lord.”
Ephesians 6:6-7

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