Liberated slave

I’ve been reflecting on times when I have given up in the past. I will be upset with myself for not trying hard enough. For not being strong enough. For not making wise decisions or having self-control.

While I was lifting weights, struggling to push myself, I was thinking how much more I can do physically when my fitness trainer is there. I can use heavier weights, do more reps and be pushed past what I believe I can do.

It made me think of trying to do things in my own strength. In the past when I wasn’t strong, wise, prudent, or self-controlled it was because I was doing it on my own. I didn’t have a relationship with the Lord. We aren’t meant to be self-reliant. The Lord gives us the fruit of His Spirit when we abide in Him.  In John 15, Jesus says, “The branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in me.” He even goes as far to say “apart from Me you can do nothing.”


“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law. And those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires.”

Galatians 5:22–24


I like that Paul mentions goodness. When I dwell on past mistakes I will feel like I am “bad”. I have a hard time seeing myself as “good”, especially since in Mark, Jesus said, “Why do you call me good? No one is good except God alone.” Goodness is an internal quality that we develop through our relationship with God.


“The Lord is my strength  and my shield; my heart trusts in Him, and He helps me.”

Psalm 28:7

I need to remember that the Lord is my strength, it’s not up to me to figure it out or be strong enough to endure hardships, but that He sent an advocate, the Holy Spirit to teach me everything I need to know and to remind me of what His Word says.

I have been studying Isaiah and in chapter 26:1-3 it says,

“We have a strong city, He sets up walls and ramparts for salvation. Open the gates, that the righteous nation may enter. The one that keeps faithfulness. The steadfast of mind You will keep in perfect peace because he trusts You. Trust in Yahweh forever.”


Just like Jerusalem, we no longer will be sinful, but righteous, because our sins have been washed away. Since we trust in Jesus, we get to enter into the open gates. By keeping our minds on Christ and trusting God, we can be kept in perfect peace.

The same day I was reflecting on that verse, I came across this one and was very curious and surprised by the mention of a city and walls. In Isaiah, it says HE sets up the walls and here in Proverbs it says a man without self control is left without walls. Walls make me think of boundaries, safe guards, prudence. A broken down city is vulnerable, exposed to the incursion of temptation and evil thoughts. By abiding with the Lord, He keeps these walls built up around us to protect us from temptation, impure thoughts and negativity.

“A man without self-control is like a city broken into and left without walls.”

Proverbs 25:28

Our human nature to be double-minded, struggles with self-control- the passions of anger or other strong emotions; the appetites for food, lust, alcohol…anything pleasurable or that provides an escape from pain providing temporary artificial comfort; and the will of impulsive decisions.

My trainer has been putting me through a variety of exercises that improve my grip strength. I am so surprised by how quickly my fingers and hands give way, unable to hold on. Sometimes it’s as quick as 10 seconds, other times if I’m not too fatigued yet, I can do up to 30 seconds. But either way, it’s not very long. As I was gripping the bar watching each finger slowly slip away, in frustration, I was realizing that it didn’t matter how strong I was, how much I’ve trained, I just can’t hold on in my own strength.

We often say, “hold on to hope”. I’m not holding on to hope in myself, hope in other people, but I hope in the Lord.

I may not be behind bars anymore, imprisoned by sin, but how often am I hanging on a bar, in my own strength?

Do you remember this group of kids? Within the town of Hennenman, is a small community. Imago Dei does ministry work here. Unsolicited, my massage therapist mentioned having the desire, for years, to provide clean water in Africa and asked about raising money to do this project specifically. What won’t God do?! This wasn’t even a project we had in mind! Praise God! I love how the Spirit is at work, connecting us and guiding us together.

12 Responses

  1. Yes and Amen!! WE can do nothing that has eternal value and impact apart from God. I have tried to change the ugly things in me by my own power, and it lasts…..temporarily. With God’s direction and the guidance and power of The Holy Spirit, the changes made for good are eternal! I still have to battle my flesh, but if I keep walking, submitting and following The Lord, I have victory over the flesh!! Thank you for the reminder Kristen! I can’t do it….but….HE Can!!!

  2. Wow! So much jammed packed in this post! Comparing the physical struggles with the spiritual struggles…is legitimate. Many people say the physical difficulties are only in your head, a mind game. The truth is it can stem from a spiritual struggle as well. Body, mind, soul, they’re all connected. Life by the spirit and life of the flesh are always at odds with each other. However we can rejoice in our weakness because Paul wrote, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness” What we are not strong enough for, that’s where God’s strength can shine through all the more! That’s how David slew Goliath, that’s how Moses freed the israelites, thats how Gideon won with so few men, that’s how Joshua conquered Jerico, Samson slew thousands, and most importantly, a babe in Bethlehem became King. Now before I go off on another sermon, I’ll leave you wth this… Way back when I ran cross country, I would tell myself I couldn’t finish, I didn’t have the endurance. Then I would keep saying over and over again, ” they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength they shall mount up like wings as eagles. They shall run and not grow weary. They shall walk and not faiint.” And you know what? I finished every race.

    1. Yessss John! So good!! I love all the scripture references and how you used God’s strength with running in the past. You can use that same mentality for anything you are facing now.

  3. What a beautifully written reflection in the light of God’s Word, Kristen. I, too, have learned that I have so little strength to do anything of merit for God. He IS my strength, my faith, my wisdom, my peace, my joy, my song. I don’t know where I would be if it had not been the LORD carrying me all the way through my life to today and tomorrow. That’s such a great analogy of trying to hold on in our own strength. Thank God that He holds on to us even when we let go of His hand. — He is the Author and Finisher of our faith. (Heb. 12:2)

  4. What a beautiful and honest reflection, Kristen. Yes, we are liberated slaves, owned by Jesus Christ. No longer slaves to sin but to righteousness. We must claim who owns us, who possesses us. We have been set free to bear the fruit of the Spirit, and not practice the deeds of the flesh. We don’t have to get drunk or gorge on sweets or anything else to feel better, we can just speak ourselves, to God, and to one another in songs and hyms and spiritual songs making melodies in our heart to the Lord. But, oh, how hard it is to do that when we clench to the bars of old fears and failures that have imprisoned us. No! Jesus has come that we might be free! We must say, “I am free because Jesus died for me!” And believe it. — God is so good! He has made a way for us to be slaves to righteousness! We just need to turn our gaze upon Him when our flesh, our foes, or the world come against our minds, and He (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) will fight our battles for us! – Hallelujah! (Submit to God and resist the devil, and he will flee from us. (Js. 4:7))
    Let’s sing an old negro spiritual that I found myself singing this past week by faith declaring that “victory” was mine because of Jesus.

    If you don’t know the melody, here’s a link:

    It goes:
    Victory is mine!
    Victory is mine!
    Victory, today, is mine!

    I told Satan, “Get thee behind!”
    Victory, today, is mine!

    Joy is mine!
    Joy is mine!
    Joy today is mine!
    I told Satan, “Get thee behind!”
    Joy, today, is mine!

    Now, you can fill in the blanks with othwr words like love, peace, salvation, forgiveness, mercy, whatever you are believing God for, or for whatever you have received!

    Amen! 🙂

  5. Great article! I really appreciate the clear and detailed insights you’ve provided on this topic. It’s always refreshing to read content that breaks things down so well, making it easy for readers to grasp even complex ideas. I also found the practical tips you’ve shared to be very helpful. Looking forward to more informative posts like this! Keep up the good work!

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