Look at the birds.

I had someone ask me yesterday what my biggest take away from Africa was. Since I was put on the spot, I didn’t have time to give a thoughtful answer. As I sit here and ponder that question, the answer is very clear- their trust in God.

As I was lying on the bed, next to my friend. She was nauseous, lightheaded, having a hot flash. I made up a bag of ice, and placed it on her head. With her eyes closed, she started singing to me. Which by the way, I love to be sung to. It’s such a sweet gift.

The words were very familiar from Matthew 6. She said she wrote this song to remind her to look at the birds.

She sang…

“Look at the birds of the air.
Look at the flowers of the field.
Look how your Father feeds them, how He clothes them, how He cares.
Is not your life worth more than food and your body more than clothes?
Your Father sees you, and He knows you, and He cares.
So seek Ye first, His kingdom first, your Father knows what you need.
So seek Ye first, His kingdom first, your Father knows what you need.
So seek Ye first, His kingdom first, your Father knows what you need.”

He knows our needs. The South Africans trust Him to meet their needs. I witnessed in their scarcity, they experienced abundance. In their broken situations they experienced beauty.

As I adjust to the 70° temperature difference, the Jetlag from the seven hour time difference, the huge change in the pace of life, back to my busy work schedule, and my reality coming back into focus– I am reminded this morning to look at the birds.

There is nothing stopping me, or any of us, from slowing down the pace of our lives. To be present with the person in front of us. To abide, to really abide, with the Lord. He is always revealing things to us, always trying to draw us near.
We just need to slow down, and to
look at the birds.

South Africa has really cool birds by the way. This long tailed bird was a frequent one I saw.

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