Refined as silver.

I am always amazed at how the verses that stand out to me, to memorize, in the moment of choosing don’t hold a lot of significant value, but later I realize how perfectly they fit and spoke to the season I just endured.

A couple months ago when I memorized Zachariah 13:9, I didn’t know I was going to experience it. Standing on the other side of a three-month long trial, as with most seasons of life, I looked back and could see God’s hand in it all and the beautiful unfolding that I couldn’t understand before.

“I will bring the one-third through the fire,
Will refine them as silver is refined,
And test them as gold is tested.
They will call on My name,
And I will answer them.
I will say, ‘This is My people’;
And each one will say, ‘The Lord is my God.’ ”
Zachariah 13:9

Often times we don’t understand why difficult things are happening to us. More times than not, at the end I will realize it’s not about me. God used it to help or bring about change in someone else’s life. In the process, I was tested and refined, but He promised to bring me through the fire and He did. He is always up to something and His ways are definitely not our ways.

I am awe-struck at His creativeness, His thoughtfulness, how He interweaves Himself in everything. Who is this God and seriously, what can’t He do? I am humbled and grateful for experiencing this trial in my life.

Just like James1:2-4 says, “Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.”

I witnessed the Lord’s greatness, my faith has grown and I can’t help myself but to worship and praise Him. To see the lengths the Lord will go to for the lost is beautiful.

It brings to mind a few months ago when I was praying, listing all my concerns and desires- I stopped mid-prayer and was like, I should ask God what He cares about because really I want to be aligned with Him and His desires. So I asked. One of those rare times when He was quick to answer me, I heard, “the lost.” I thought, of course it is Lord, how silly of me to ask. Then why should I be surprised by what followed the next couple months? Because I had no idea what He was doing. I was confused, afraid and anxious. I kept praying and trusting and believing. Then He waited until the very end to show me how all the puzzle pieces came together. I know it’s hard during the trials, battles, valleys to have hope, faith and trust, but He comes through every time.

His word says He will bring the one-third through the fire. The reason I first chose this verse was because it promised that when they called on His name that He would answer them. I was having difficulty believing that He would answer or hear me when I prayed and needed reassurance believing it.

Guess what? He did more than hear and answer. He did exceedingly and abundantly more than I could have asked for, because He is a good God and loves His children.

I left an iPad in South Africa for the option of providing virtual therapy, if the South Africans would want to, in between my visits. I did my 2nd virtual session yesterday. How amazing is it that we have the technology to be able to physically see a person, in their distress, from the other side of the world and be able to be with them, see them and help them? I am beside myself right now. Lord! Thank you for entrusting me with this, what an honor and privilege to serve You in this way!

I am full.

All I want for Christmas is more Christ…más Christ… isn’t that the reason for the season anyway? That’s where my treasure is.

Merry Christmas!

In Afrikaans.. Geseënde Kersfees!

I know… that’s why I haven’t learned the language yet. I’m too intimidated!

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